Mercury is Retrograde in Aquarius from February 17th through March 10th. Aquarius is where we look to causes and interests which are beyond our own personal interests. In Vedic Astrology when a planet goes retrograde it is considered to be stronger because the planet is closest to earth and the effects of the “backing up” of the planet are impactful and bring us deeper within, to review our internal landscape. When we are expressing our Aquarius nature it is where we connect with social causes and ideas where we can be a greater part of, regardless of the outcome.
The tendency to feel that we are just another fish in the sea in Aquarius (no pun intended) is expected, but to process this feeling without feeling jaded or put upon would be the higher expression. Being a part of a greater cause, seeking to do the right thing because it is the right thing and letting go of the outcome is the higher path. This is the development that brings us to greater spiritual growth.
Mercury retrograde will impact each sign differently, depending on your ascendant as it rules different houses for each zodiac sign. For example, for a Virgo it is the 1stand 10th house ruler and will express itself in the 1st, 6th (Aquarius) and 10th houses giving the Virgo a deeper review of their individual expressions (1st house), their thoughts on challenging tasks, hard work (6th house) and public status or career 10th house). To learn more about this transit will impact you, direct message me on Instagram @soul_sankalpa or go to www.soulsankalpa.com to schedule a live reading.
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