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Vedic Astrology vs. Western Astrology

Vedic Astrology is the practice referred to as the Jyotish (Science of Light) which was born from the Rishis (seers) of ancient times in India. Jyotish is aligned with Sanatana Dharma and it's principals of Universal Consciousness. Your birth chart is determined by your birth date, time and location - much like your unique fingerprint.


There are many differences between Vedic Astrology and Western Astrology, neither ‘right’ nor ‘wrong’ – just different.  Vedic Astrology utilizes the Sidereal Zodiac measuring from the star constellations to Earth whereas Western measures based on the seasons.  It was thousands of years ago when these two systems actually lined up.

Some forms of Western Astrology use your ‘sun’ sign to determine your horoscope.  The Sun is in one zodiac sign for 30 days and provides for wide translation and no predictions. In Vedic Astrology the sign ascending in the eastern horizon the moment you were born is considered your rising sign and your horoscope is calculated from that point, which is much more accurate.  Every two hours the ascendant transits into a new sign.  

Western astrology focuses on the psychological nature of a person, but lacks consistency in  predicting future cycles and events. Vedic astrology defines a person’s psychological nature and it gives more focus to understanding when certain events are likely to ripen.

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